Meldungen zu
Graphikbibliothek für
PCs und Workstations; Werkzeuge zur GUI-Programmierung |
Datum |
1. Februar 2022 |
Neue Version 9.5:
Die neue Version enthält diverse Erweiterungen
sowie Bug-Fixes.
Upgrades und neue Lizenzen sind von QT software
erhältlich. Preise fragen Sie bitte an.
1. August 2019 |
Neue Version 9.0:
Die neue Version enthält diverse neue
Routinen sowie Bug-Fixes.
Upgrades und neue Lizenzen sind von QT software
erhältlich. Preise fragen Sie bitte an.
14. März
2017 |
Neue Version 8.5:
Bradly schreibt:
Bradly Associates is pleased to announce the availability of
GINO v8.5. The main reseller-related points are as follows: ·
The new version includes support for the latest Intel, Absoft,
Lahey and Silverfrost Fortran windows compilers Details are here:
https://www.gino-graphics.com/compilers.html · The VB.NET version
is no longer available
Upgrades und neue Lizenzen sind von QT software
erhältlich. Preise fragen Sie bitte an.
13. November 2014 |
Neue Version 8.0:
Näheres findet sich in
Upgrades und neue Lizenzen sind von QT software
erhältlich. Preise fragen Sie bitte an.
18. Februar 2009 |
Neue Version 7.5:
Von Bradly wurden wir heute über das Erscheinen
der neuen Version 7.5 unterrichtet. Die Neuerungen in der Kurzübersicht:
- GINO driver for Flash/SWF files for web-vector-animations more...
- Add 40 new WindowsXP/Vista icons to GINOMENU more...
- On-line documentation more... # New look and feel to GINOMENU
Studio more...
- New cursor types in GINOMENU
- Block commenting/uncommenting in GINOMENU Studio
- Block indenting/outdenting in GINOMENU Studio
- Extra features to RTF paragraph properties in GINOMENU
- More options for log axes in GINOGRAF with different display
- New GINO Installation with better support for Vista and Windows7
- Multi-language support during Installation
- Evaluation downloads without needing serial number
- Installation setup is now code-signed for better security
- Examples and Data moved out of Program Files, therefore
releasing the need to run as Administrator
- Rebuild of low-level libraries to avoid LIBC/LIBCMT clash
- Support for Visual Studio 2010
- 32bit and 64bit versions supplied as one package
Weitere Informationen finden Sie auf der WebSite
des Hersteller:
Upgrades und neue Lizenzen sind von QT software
erhältlich. Die Preise entnehmen Sie bitte unsere Preisliste
oder fragen Sie bitte an, wenn Sie dort etwas nicht finden oder
ein Angebot wünschen.
29. März
2007 |
Neue Version 7.0:
Gino |
29 new routines
have been added into the GINO library providing the following
+ Importing of 2D and 3D DXF files
+ Access to Windows font names and selection of size by Point
size irrespective of GINO scaling
+ 2D and 3D arrows and 2D Ellipses
+ BMP,JPG,PNG metafile generation from OpenGL graphics window
+ Routines, Defined constants and Optional arguments using the
words: Dialogue, Centre, Colour and Grey are now provided with
their American spelling equivalents.
+ The GINO config, message and font files may now be placed
in the system path as an alternative to using GINO environment
+ Drawing Objects: gDrawEllipse2D, gDrawArrow2D, gDrawArrow3D
+ Number/String handling: gConvertIntegerZero, gConvertRealPower,
gConvertRealScientific, gDisplayIntegerZero, gDisplayRealPower,
+ Hardware Fonts: gEnqCharFontName, gEnqCharSet, gEnqFontNameList,
gSetCharFontName, gSetCharSet, gSetPointChars
+ DXF Importing: gCloseDXFFile, gEnqDXFEntities, gEnqDXFLimits,
gEnqDXFLayers, gGetDXFFile, gGetNextDXFEntity, gImportDXFSurface,
+ Other utilities: gWoglm, gPutImageFile, gKillSysCommand, gSetErrorFilename,
gEnqLineWidthPixel, gSetLineWidthPixel
Three new routines have been
added to implement a colour scaling facility. Any line, curve
or symbol graph can be drawn with a graduated colour along the
X or Y axis together with an optional colour bar as a key: ggDrawColourScale,
ggEnqColourScale, ggSetColourScale |
10 new routines have been added to this library adding the
following functionality:
+ Extend the new cut and fill functionality added last release
with facilities to generate a complete cut and fill area by
adding spot heights, break lines and site boundaries to create
a second surface within an existing surface. Surface area,
volume and maximum height between the two surfaces can then
be calculated.
+ Contour data can now be enquired directly from the gridded
data without having to draw the contours first.
+ Vertical fault lines can now be added to a surface allowing
vertical discontinuity between two heights whereby the area
between is ignored when calculating the surface to display.
+ New optional arguments have been added to the routine gsSetContourLevels()
to allow the specification of pre and post-fix strings to
annotation of contour heights.
+ The routine gImportDXFSurface() has been added to the GINO
library to import polymesh surface data from a DXF file. The
data returned is in a format ready to pass to gsImportTriangulationNetwork()
ready for surface display.
+ Cross Sections may now be drawn directly from gridded or
triangulated workspaces without the need to draw a contour
map or surface first.
New Routines:
gsGenerateContourDataSet gsGenerateCutandFillSurface gsReturnVolumeBetweenSurfaces
gsGenerateRandomGrid4D gsReturnRangeInfo gsStoreGrid gsStoreGrid4D
gsSetApectRatioScalingSwitch gsAddFaultLines gsSelectDataSet
13 new routines
and 8 new optional arguments have been added to the library
providing the following functionality:
+ A new widget type has been added in this release which is
the spinner or up-down control. It can be associated with a
value entry for directly controlling the value.
+ RTF text entries have been enhanced with the ability of providing
HyperText link callbacks. A user can now click or double-click
on a string that has been assigned a hypertext font attribute
which will then generate a hypertext link callback.
+ For Windows XP users, documentation has been added to explain
how to utilize the current XP theme and mouse-sensitive widgets
with the appropriate initialization being carried out in the
+ In the area of callbacks, a new routine is provided to check
the callback queue for particular types of callbacks and greater
control of windows messages is provided with the ability to
trap messages that are not being used by GINOMENU.
+ The resizing of floating docking panes is now permitted in
two directions by selecting one of the four corners of the widget.
+ A new optional property, gmTabList is provided to add or remove
a widget from the tab list. For Array Grid widgets gmTabAction
has been added to provided three modes of action for the TAB
key within this widget.
+ Two routines have been added to enable an enquiry and import
of data from an internal bitmap resource (i.e.. Bitmap, icon
or cursor). The data can then be used by the GINO routines gDrawPixelArea
or gDrawCellArray.
New Routines:
gmCheckCallback, gmCreateSpinner, gmDefineEscapeCallback, gmDefineLinkCallback,
gmEnqArrayGridReturnAction, gmEnqEscapeCallbacks, gmEnqPanePos,
gmEnqResourceImageInfo, gmEnqTimerCallbacks, gmGetResourceImageData,
gmGetWidgetHandle, gmSetArrayGridReturnAction, gmSetPanePos
Studio |
+ A new horizontal
and vertical widget alignment facility is now available following
the selection of multiple widgets on any form.
+ The Code Editor can now be on permanent display (depending
on its state) enabling quicker updating of code with fewer key-clicks.
It now incorporates a list of all current widget names and menu-entry
names via a tabbed panel and combo boxes allowing quicker code
selection between different code blocks.
+ The initial display of Studio now makes use of Docking Panes
for the Properties, Hierarchy, Code Editor and Compiler Log
windows. These can be docked, re-sized, floated or made invisible.
+ A new widget type; Docking Pane can now be added to the design
of the application
+ A Source Code viewer has been added for read-only editing
of the complete generated code. This can be useful when making
global changes to identify which code blocks changes need to
be made in.
+ A new 'Duplicate Widget' (Ctrl D) option has been added to
speed-up the copying and pasting of a widget or group on to
the same form.
+ A new 'Print Errors' option has been added to the menu bar
to enable the printing of compiler/linker errors.
+ For Windows XP users, automatic generation of Windows manifest
file for each project to utilize the current XP theme and mouse-sensitive
+ New properties added to widgets in the new version of GINOMENU
have been included for the same widgets in Studio, including:
HyperText link callbacks for RTF entries, AutoURL for RTF entries,
Tab Action and Read-only option for text and value arrays, Tab
List option to all appropriate widgets
Weitere Informationen finden Sie auf der WebSite
des Hersteller:
Upgrades und neue Lizenzen sind von QT software
erhältlich. Die Preise entnehmen Sie bitte unsere Preisliste
oder fragen Sie bitte an, wenn Sie dort etwas nicht finden oder
ein Angebot wünschen.
1. März
2005 |
Neue Version 6.5:
Gino |
Nine new routines have been added
to utilize the facilities of the Windows Registry within a GINO
application. Routines have been added to read, write and enquire
both keys and values in a simple to use way.
There is also a routine to enquire the currently assigned application
associated with a file extension on the system. |
Two new routines have been added
to implement a chart component identification feature using
GINO segments. This allows discrete bars, columns and pie chart
segments to be identified by segment number where required.
Thirteen new routines have been
added to this library, four of which provide enquiry functions
for information that was difficult or impossible to obtain in
previous releases.
In the light of problems with the addition of break-lines into
existing surfaces, two new routines have been added to generate
3D and 4D constrained triangulation networks composed of free
data points, break-lines and excluded regions all in the one
There are more controls over the style of contour map and cross-sections
axes and the ability to define the projection of a polyline
cross-section to be aligned along the X (or Y) axis direction
as well as the current distance.
In a new area of GINOSURF functionality, there are three routines
which utilize the knowledge of the supplied data to calculate
approximations for the area and volume data associated with
a cross-section or surface. In addition, a fourth routine estimates
cut-and-fill values for a 3D polyline traversing across a surface.
17 new routines
and 13 new optional arguments have been added to the library,
with 8 existing optional arguments adding new facilities to
existing routines:
A new widget type has been added in this release and that is
the powerful docking pane. This is a container widget which
can hold several types of children which are automatically expanded
to fit the pane. The pane can then be attached to the side of
a window or made to float in a similar manner to the toolbar
Various enhancements have been mode to array grids, including
new colour control, font attributes and border type, change
callbacks, combo box button display, TAB control, use of rogue
values in value cells. A new optional argument gmCount has been
added to the add/remove row/column routine allowing for more
efficient multiple operations in one call.
Value entries have been enhanced with new input controls and
error checking facilities and the contents of both value cells
and value entries can be cleared if required (without 0.0) through
two new routines.
RTF text entries have been enhanced with multi-level undo features,
routine to prevent OLE inserts, routine to buffer up application
changes to prevent flashing, routines to extract the currently
pointed to word and any specified text without having to select
it first; Single line RTF entries are now also permitted; Colour
syntax highlighting for numbers.
Bubble help facilities have been extended to add justification
of multi-line tool-tip messages as well as inhibiting the display
of all bubble help with one switch.
In the area of callbacks, a new routine is provided to flush
the callback queue, should that be required by an application
and a routine has been added to generate (post) callbacks from
application control as if the user had carried out an action
on the display.
Addition of File Drop callback to MDI Master windows.
Addition of double-click callback to tree view entries.
Justification of button labels Read-only property for text,
tty and value entries.
Addition of quit mode for tool bar widgets |
A new code block entitled 'Global
Routines' has been added to allow the addition of routines to
the project module or global block. This can be more efficient
than placing them in the 'User Routines' section.
The initial display of Studio has small visual changes caused
by the merging of the user code blocks and widget callback code
blocks into a single button and the addition of a toolbar separator
widget into the tool box. Other enhancements and improvements
are provided through new options and facilities that become
apparent when using the new version.
The Options - Preferences menu has been reworked to provide
auto-backup, project/code synchronization and code-assistance
pop-up options. The latter providing concurrent routine argument
assistance when adding routines from any of the GINO software
libraries in the Code Editor.
The Editor has been further improved by providing F1 help to
the same routines directly to the appropriate page in the User
Manual as well as line and character number feedback.
The snap grid setting dialogue has been moved from the preferences
dialogue to the project settings dialogue as the setting applies
to the currently opened project only.
Other dialogues have been improved with the Menu Editor now
providing automatic generation of menu entry identifier names.
The Find and Replace dialogue works more intuitively and contains
combo lists of previous find and replace strings.
The Widget Tab Order dialogue is now resizable and allows for
the re-ordering of multiple widgets in one action.
Undo and redo options are now available for widget movement
(in the main menu) and in the Find and Replace dialogue. Multi-level
undo is also available in the Code Editor.
Icon resources can be added to menu entries, tree view entries
and combo box and list box entries through new options in their
respective editor dialogues.
Additional hot-keys have been added to improve development speed.
These include Esc to close many windows, Ctrl Y and Z for redo
and undo actions and Ctrl W to bring up the list of widgets
in the Code Editor.
Finally, all of the new properties added to widgets in the new
version of GINOMENU have been included for the same widgets
in Studio, including: Quit mode for Toolbars, Label alignment
in (user defined) buttons and bubble help, Read-only option
for text, tty and value entries, Border type, colours and border
line types for text and value arrays, OLE insertion control
for RTF text widgets Double click callback for tree view entries,
File drop callback for master MDI forms Value error callback
for value entries, GTOP option for initial state for windows
Weitere Informationen finden Sie auf der WebSite
des Hersteller:
Updates und neue Lizenzen sind über QT software
erhältlich. Die Preise entnehmen Sie bitte unsere Preisliste
oder fragen Sie bitte an, wenn Sie dort etwas nicht finden oder
ein Angebot wünschen.
20. August 2004 |
Neue Patches 6.0e für GINO und 4.0e für
GINOMENU Studio verfügbar:
v6.0e & v4.0e patches are now available at
which includes several fixes.
12. Mai 2004 |
Neue Patches 6.0d für GINO und 4.0d für
GINOMENU Studio verfügbar:
v6.0d & v4.0d patches are now available at
which includes several fixes.
10. Februar 2004 |
Neuer GINO Patch 6.0c verfügbar:
v6.0c patch is now available at
which includes several fixes.
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