Neue Version 4.0:
MATFOR liegt ab sofort in einer neuen Version
vor (4.0). Neu sind u.a.:
- GUI-Builder -
damit können Sie eigene Bedienschnittstellen (GUI = graphical
user interface) für Ihre MATFOR basierenden Programme erzeugen
- Fast
Fourier Transformations-Functions
one/two-dimensional forward/inverse Discrete - Fourier Transformations
- Cartographic Functions
Kartographische Projektion und ihre Umkehrung
2-D/3-D geoid data
2-D/3-D coastline data
- More Supported Data
File Formats
MATFOR® 4 supports standard scientific formulas and common software
data formats such as Ascii and CSV to facilitate users in data
exchange and data reuse. Besides, import and export of Tecplot
data can now be done by MATFOR as well. Additionally, MATFOR®
4 supports the common 3-D object formats including 3DS, OBJ and
Von Ancad erhielten wir folgende Mitteilung bzgl.
des Updates von vorherigen Versionen der neuen Version 4.0 von MATFOR:
For all the past MATFOR 3.x purchasers, there' re some rules for
upgrate, and please refer to the followings.
Maintenance Note :
1.For all MATFOR 3.x purchasers before 2005/02/15, the maintenance
will be extended to 2006/04/01,and the users can get the free upgrade
to MATFOR 4.0 before the date.
2.For all MATFOR 3.x and MATFOR 4.x purchasers after 2005/02/15,
the maintenance period will be extended for 13 monthes since the
purchasing date.
3.In the coverage period of MMS, the Serial Number can be effective
for the on-line activation to get the new password for the new versions.
( I've added these to the price list sheet.)
Upgrade steps.
1. users need to go to our website for download the latest version.
2. In the coverage period of MMS, the Serial Number(SN) still can
be used for on-line activation at
Each SN can be registered for two sets of Host ID/Ethernet address/Mac
3. After the MMS, the past license still can work out, but the SN
can't be registered for the new versions.
MATFOR Maintenance Service (MMS) kann über QT software bezogen
werden. Fragen Sie bitte ggf. an.