Neue Version 7.50
Polyhedron Solutions Ltd hat eine neue Version
von plusFORT veröffentlicht. Diese erhalten die registrierten
Nutzer im Rahmen ihrer Wartungsverträge über diesen Link.
Diese sind auch über uns erhältlich. Details der Neuerungen:
Polyhedron Solutions has just released version
7.50 of plusFORT, the software engineering toolkit for Fortran programmers.
- Existing users with a current maintenance contract can download
this new version here.
- If you would like to buy a copy, or renew maintenance, you can
do that here
- You can register for an evaluation version, with some limits
on functionality here
A summary of the new features is presented below. We look forward
to hearing your feedback. If you have an old version of plusFORT,
we urge you to take a look at the exciting new features - like HyperKWIC
and the new features to assist in modularization.
Version 7.50 A Major Update
- HyperKWIC can now be run directly from the PFFE graphical user
![plusFORT Frontend]()
- SPAG now re-orders input files to ensure that MODULES are processed
before code that uses them. This ensures that SPAG has the information
it needs to make a full and accurate analysis, and is most effective
if all the source code of a program is analysed in a single run.
- Improved formatting of declarations rewritten with Fortran 95
- SPAG writes dummy arguments in the order they appear in
the argument list, rather than alphabetically. Each dummy
argument is declared in a separate statement to allow end
of line comments for each argument.
- SPAG inserts INTENT and OPTIONAL clauses within dummy argument
declarations, rather than as separate statements.
- GXCHK produces a new Internalisation Report, to help re-engineer
legacy Fortran. It shows which subroutines and functions can be
converted to internal subprograms, thus reducing the number of
separate program units to be combined at link time.
![Internalisation Report]()
- GXCHK produces a new Cluster Analysis Matrix report which identifies
groups of subprograms which may, on the basis of data usage and
calling patterns, to be candidates for inclusion in modules.
![Cluster Anaylsis]()
- The name of the HTML report porduced by GXCHK has been changed
from gxchk.htm to _gxchk.htm for consistency with other plusFORT
tools, and to make it easier to find.
- The default initial working directory for PFFE and the plusFORT
Command Prompt have been set to the current User's Documents
- Possible errors when rewriting declarations from scratch in
an internal subprogram fixed.
- The ability to switch off header comments by setting item 220
of SPAG configuration to blanks restored.
- Many other minor fixes and enhancements.
- Manual updated to revision L.
Video Tutorials
Check out our new video tutorials which explore some of the many
capabilities of plusFORT, and showcase PFFE, the plusFORT front
end which offers a genuinely intuitive graphical interface for the
plusFORT tools.
DON'T forget to turn your sound on! We recommend switching to full
screen view if you want to follow the details.