

Order Advice

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Karl-Friedrich-Gauß-Str. 18
D-45657 Recklinghausen
oder über unseren WebShop.
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Die Preise in nachfolgender Preisliste wenden sich an gewerbliche Anwender und sind daher ohne die deutsche Umsatzsteuer angegeben.


You can order from us via email, fax to +49(0)2361 4856279 or via letter to
QT software GmbH
Karl-Friedrich-Gauss-Str. 18
D-45657 Recklinghausen
or use our WebShop.
If you don't order via our WebShop, it is quite practical to copy the item from the price list below into the clipboard and then to paste the entry into your order document.

The prices below are given without German VAT ("price net") because they address commercial users.

Preisliste Winteracter (Einzelplatzlizenzen, Updates etc.)

Nr./No. 168

vom/dated 13.03.2024


Winteracter - Updates/Upgrades

Item No.


Preis netto
Price net

WINT.0308Update Winteracter 1.x - 6.x to current version (32- and 64 Bit)591.00
WINT.0309Update Winteracter 1.x - 6.x to current version (32- and 64 Bit), educational443.00
WINT.0337Update Winteracter 7.x - 8.0 to current version (32- and 64 Bit)591.00
WINT.0342Update Winteracter 7.x - 8.0 to current version (32- and 64 Bit), educational443.00
WINT.0343Update Winteracter 9.0 to current version513.00
WINT.0344Update Winteracter 9.0 to current version, educational385.00
WINT.0347Update Winteracter 9.2 to current version513.00
WINT.0348Update Winteracter 9.2 to current version, educational385.00
WINT.0351Update Winteracter 9.30 to current version513.00
WINT.0352Update Winteracter 9.30 to current version, educational385.00
WINT.0355Update Winteracter 10.0 to current version430.00
WINT.0356Update Winteracter 10.0 to current version, educational322.00
WINT.0357Update Winteracter 10.10 to current version430.00
WINT.0358Update Winteracter 10.10 to current version, educational322.00
WINT.0359Update Winteracter 11.0 to current version430.00
WINT.0360Update Winteracter 11.0 to current version, educational322.00
WINT.0361Update Winteracter 12.0 to current version350.00
WINT.0362Update Winteracter 12.0 to current version, educational264.00
WINT.0363Update Winteracter 13.0 to current version350.00
WINT.0364Update Winteracter 13.0 to current version, educational264.00
WINT.0365Update Winteracter 14.x to current version350.00
WINT.0366Update Winteracter 14.x to current version, educational264.00


Alle Preisangaben in EURO ohne gesetzliche Mehrwertsteuer.
Versandkosten sind nicht inbegriffen.
Preisänderungen und Irrtum vorbehalten


All prices in EURO without VAT.
Deliver charges, taxes, custom fees not included.
Prices subject to change without notice.